You can't~ Well, not a floor loom anyhow. We're off again soon. I've pretty much settled on taking my finest gauge (is gauge right?) rigid heddle threaded up for some narrow bands done back strap style and a knitting project of some sort.
August turned into the month of major frustrations. We got our leaky old hot water heater replaced by an on-demand tankless one and since it was in the middle of the house in a utility cupboard, surrounded by looms, that pretty much stopped the weaving. Then came the long, painful saga of getting our seriously hail-damaged roof replaced. And then came getting ready and taking a month long trip to Australia! Ten days after getting home I took off on a week long trip to Montana. And then the holidays...
You're thinking I finally got down to weaving after the last cork popped on the New Year's fizz, aren't you? Well, no. What I did was finally get down to having surgery on my cervical spine, which had lost most of its cartilage and looked like rick-rack on X-rays. The procedure sounded and looked worse than it felt (great anesthesiologist and surgeon, fabulous nursing staff, good drugs!) and 10 days down the line I feel like a new woman. Nothing that hurt before hurts much now and in another week or so shouldn't hurt at all.